Events held by the Association

OAFP Annual General Meeting - April 25, 2024

For those who couldn't make it to the AGM, we encourage you to watch the excellent video recording of the event. Special thanks to the Lieutenant General for joining us for the lunch and to Steve Paikin for his exceptionally informative keynote speech.

Video Link

Annual General Meeting, April 25, 2024

Dear Members, the OAFP AGM is happening on Thursday April 25.

Our meeting is planned at Queen’s Park, beginning at 11:30 at the Grand Staircase for a group photo. We will then proceed to Room 228-230 for a buffet lunch and guest speaker, followed by our formal meeting. We will strive to wrap things up by 3:00 followed by a Wine and Coffee Reception.

Steve Paikin, host of TVO’s Agenda, has accepted our invitation to be our Guest Speaker. His many years covering Provincial politics will make for some very interesting stories.

In addition, we are happy that Her Honour Edith Dumont, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario has indicated her interest in joining us.

Your Board has agreed that the luncheon will be at no cost for you and a plus one. But, it is still important to register (form attached). Our Executive Assistant will be required to send a list of names of attendees to Security. Your registration will also provide us with a number of those attending, for catering purposes. Seating is limited, and the luncheon seating will be based on the date registration forms are received. First come first served! Please RSVP as soon as possible.

Book Launch : The Artists Who Created the Art At Queen's Park

On Thursday, March 7, at 7:00 p.m., at Queen's Park, the O.A.F.P. hosted a book launch party. The party was a celebration of the release of its second publication, entitled:

"The Artists Who Created The Art At Queen's Park". To our knowledge this is the first book ever written about the artists whose work adorns the hallways of Queen's Park.

This 80-page magazine style book features 32 artists, 8 of whom were interviewed. Six of those artists attended the book launch and spoke about their work.

The book is a special edition of "The InFormer", O.A.F.P.'s quarterly publication, and was made possible because of the generosity of former Lieutenant Governor, Hon. Henry Jackman who was in attendance at the event.

"The Artists Who Created The Art At Queen's Park" is a gift from our Association to the Legislature of Ontario, to augment the public art tours. A copy of the book was formally presented by our Chair, David Warner, to Speaker Ted Arnott at the launch.

A video recording was made of the event and it can be watched here:

Art in the Park

General Meeting October 15-17, 2018

Dear Interprovincial Delegates and OAFP Members,

The OAFP will be holding its annual general meeting from Oct 15-17,2018 in the Legislature Building, Queen’s Park.

This is an important meeting as we will be holding three major events together, namely:

· the OAFP AGM on Oct 16th;

· the Distinguished Service Award ceremony (Oct 16th ); and

· Inter Provincial meeting with Chairs of Former Members associations’ from across Canada (Oct 17th).

The recipient for this years’ Award is the distinguished Hon. Roy McMurtry. The Lieutenant Governor will be hosting a special reception for this event and there will be a tribute for him in the Legislature. In addition, a dinner at CN Tower and a trip to the Niagara winery is planned for the provincial Delegates and OAFP Members can join-in. Guests of our Delegates and OAFP members are also more then welcome to attend the Niagara Tour, Lieutenant Governor’s reception, the Tribute in the Legislature, the Leg Precinct tour, Dinner at CN Tower and OAFP luncheon. They will however have to pay for costs where applicable.

We therefore need your confirmation at your earliest in order to plan for these activities as some of them are time sensitive!!! So please kindly forward your Registration Form as soon as you can by mail or e-mail (at the very latest by September 10th ). The AGM Programme Itinerary is also available for your info.

 We thank you and look forward to receiving your AGM confirmation.